Saturday 25 August 2012

Mon Ciel Vert

And so it is at this late hour that I have decided to go on this journey - one of potentially mindless ramblings to ease the load off the rapidly racing mind..  

Mon Ciel Vert - My Green Sky 

In many instances (or perhaps "geographies" to be accurate), a green sky is often viewed to be a foretelling of the coming of a storm, however in some tiny parts of the world, a green sky is a beautiful manifestation of an incredibly rare phenomenon - the aurora borealis, also known as the Northern Lights - dazzling magical layers of green dancing across the night sky sometimes for just fleeting moments. I've often fantasized about myself standing in an open field bathed in those dancing lights, privy for just a moment to the stories that they whisper, transported to a dream world of such breathtaking beauty that would be etched in my heart and in my mind till the end of my life...

Transience is the very essence of the beauty of life.  If one could hold on to beauty forever, it would hardly be as sought after.  If one could hold on to life forever, then what would it be but perhaps one long drag of meaninglessness...Precisely because there is a finite time to everything that provides reason to sought for meaning for this time, to make the most of this time.

We are hardwired to push for the better. I believe this applies even to a chronic underachiever. Somehow, somewhere, sometime in his happy go lucky life there will be something he truly cares enough for to spark him to push a little bit harder to do better, so even in the smallest ways, we are hardwired to push for the better. 

Let me take this a little further, I believe all living things are hardwired to push for the better. Darwin based a whole theory around this. So is evolution a reality? While there may have been evidences of adaptation in certain species to an evolving environment, I do not think we have seen any apes walking out of the jungles in human form in the last few million years.  

If evolution is debunked, then does that mean creation is the absolute? How did the world come into such order, who was the higher intelligence that created this order? How did one single cell become a living perfectly functioning entity with such intricate inner workings that are still being discovered by scientists today?  How is it that we are hardwired to push to be better to survive? If the theory holds true that the creator is on a higher plane than the created, then how can anyone doubt that we are created by something that is out of this world?

Who are we? How did we get here? How do we get through life everyday not wondering about exactly this?  How can we get through life everyday thinking our mundane troubles and worries are anything but transient? How can we get through life everyday without being thankful for being alive and a part of this miracle of being?

Mon Ciel Vert is a reflection of this beautiful miracle we live everyday and a celebration of the fact that I am alive and surrounded by beauty.

Till the next time I'm compelled by the senselessness in my mind to write again, saisir le jour!

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