Sunday 9 September 2012

Beautiful Things.....

Oh no.......I found love in a Bottega Veneta Intrecciato iPad case....

In Teal

In Green

Friday 7 September 2012

The Balenciaga Addiction Continues...

So the Bal bag addiction continues......

I love the smell and feel of the smooshy leather and simply can't forget the beautiful golden color I saw in the boutique the other day when I was shopping for I decided to take the plunge.....

I drove all the way from work to the boutique yesterday quite determined to get a new bag, but as Fate would have it, by the time I got there, the shop was closed. Damn they were punctual!

So obviously I was more determined than ever that I would get it today.  Strange how adversity strengthens the resolve LOL

Anyhoos, I took off from the office at 6pm sharp today so that I can get to the boutique before it closes.  I did get there in time, and amazingly, the item that I wanted was available (so I must be fated to own this right? ^_^)

To be honest I had gone in half expecting one of few things to happen:

  • The colour I want is not available
  • The colour is available but the size I want is not available
  • The size in the colour I want is available but the hardware I want is not available

Interestingly enough (and further convinced me that I am fated to own this bag), no such problems occurred.

Worse, I got up-sold from the classic (cheaper) version to the rose gold hardware version.

But of course I lapped it up like a little puppy.....finally walking out of the boutique with a nice package but a big hole in my pocket :(


However I do love my new baby, here's a pic:

The second pic is much closer to the true colour - a beautiful golden pile of smooshy leather.....

I think this will curb my addiction for a while......until I can find a shade of green that makes my heart leap! 

In the meantime, I've my sights set on a Steve Madden.......tah!